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Juan Arminandi

Juan Arminandi

Juan Arminandi received his BA in Music Education from the University of Tanjungpura in 2015. He is a musician and composer with more than a decade of experience. He studied musical composition from Diecky K. Indrapraja in 2012-2015. Since 2018 he has studied experimental music and build of musical instruments from Wukir Suryadi. His first instrument, based on Sape’ and Selodang, traditional instruments from Kalimantan, was built in 2018 and was called Mu74n (mutant). Second project KWN95 (2020) representation about haze season in Kalimantan. Capture the moment with Instrument Builder is Juan personal project until now. Since May 2019, apart from building instruments, he has been involved in interdisciplinary project called “Manangkata” exploring experimental music. He is also a member of Balaan Tumaan Ensemble from Pontianak, which is a musical community which explores and researches musical traditions from Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) province. He is now focused on composing and building new instruments.


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