Dr. Kim-ho Ip

Kim-ho studied music and received his Doctor of Philosophy in 2004 at the University of Edinburgh, the United Kingdoms. He graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a first-class Bachelor of Arts (Honors) Degree in 1996, major in music and minor in German studies.
He was awarded the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship for Overseas Studies in 1998, and the DAAD German Academic Exchange Service in 1997. Since 2011 he has been invited to be Research Fellow at the International Research Centre, Interweaving Performance Culture at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
His research in intercultural performance has been supported by the Scottish Arts Council and the Confucius Institute for Scotland at the University of Edinburgh, where he taught a postgraduate course on music and interculture. Currently in Hong Kong, Kim-ho is a guest lecturer at the University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Institute of Education. He is also the creative director for Skymap and Rainbow where he designs cultural tours and courses about Germany.
As a cellist, Kim-ho is active in playing chamber music. He is also an expert in the Chinese dulcimer (Yang Ch’in), especially performing with the Dutch saxophonist Filip Davidse in silent films. Major performances include appearances at the Dutch Radio, Sophiensaale in Berlin, the Edinburgh International Festival and the Royal Opera House Covent Garden in London. He has been invited to give guest lectures in the UK, Germany as well as the Peking University in China.
Research Fellow,
Freie Universität Berlin,