ASEAN Creations @Siam Square One
2 September 2017
Symposium Performance

With the support of the Ministry of Culture, Thailand and ASEAN Cultural council, this event showcases new works especially selected via a competition organised for this Symposium. This performance will demonstrate the fruits of a musical collaboration between some of the most talented young musicians from ASEAN Youth Ensemble (AYE), young composers from the region, young musicians from Studio Musikfabrik, Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music Youth Orchestra and students from Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music.
Exploring the sonorities of Southeast Asia’s musical idioms, this new generation is not only preserving the essence of the rich musical past. They are effectively building a bridge between those ancient traditions and our current reality. In our program, the selected pieces of the competition deliver how different cultural realms can meet and blend with each other without giving up their respective local identity. Myths and different realities tend to co-exist.
Muhammad Qays Muzini, Brunei Darussalam
Hak Tokla, Cambodia
Novan Yogi Hernando Maupula, Indonesia
Rukaya Suprayedno, Indonesia
Chanthakone Vangvilachit, Lao PDR
Southathong Leuongbounma, Lao PDR
Hallan Anak Hashim, Malaysia
Howard Deri anak Neilson llan, Malaysia
Htet Arkar, Myanmar
War War San, Myanmar
Jimuel Dave T. Dagta, Philippines
Marie Fides DC. Topico, Philippines
Jocelyn Tan Li Yun, Singapore
Kammathep Theeralertrat, Thailand
Nakriss Jirarattapat, Thailand
My Nguyen, Vietnam
Septian Dwi Cahyo, Indonesia
Sounlinh Sengkham, Lao PDR
Lee Chie Tsang Isaiah, Malaysia
Zon Phyo Pyae Swe Oo, MyanMar
Alann Timothy Pacpaco, Philippines
Kok Jun Phang, Singapore
Tanapon Chiwinpiti, Thailand
Hoang Tran Luu, Vietnam
Tanika Prasood, Violin
Phattarapoj Sawangchaeng, Viola
Pronnapas Santiwarangkul, Cello
Pulish Likhitwatanasad, Cello
Piyatida Pocharasang, Flute
Sornsak Suksong, Oboe
Chanya Anansuksaward, Bassoon
Dieter Mack
Anant Narkkong
Peter Veale
Tontrakul Kaewyong
Watchara Pluemyart
Lim Teik Chuan ,Erhu
Daniele Zamboni*, Clarinet
Louisa Kaltenbach*,Cello
Ann-Catherina Strehmel*,Trombone
Arturo Ernesto Uribe Portugal*,Percussion
Kim Yeajee**
Lim Joogwang**
Yoo ill Young**
Damian Scholl
* Studio Musikfabik
** College of Music, Seoul National University