The Pomposa Project: where art and technologies meet, to spark creativity in everyone
25 August 2022
14:00 - 15:00 hrs (GMT+7)
C 312

The Pomposa Project draws on Conductive Musics’s existing experience to provide artists, disabled youth, the elderly, university students, conference delegates, and primary school students from challenging backgrounds with the chance to gain life-changing skills in music technology & wearable design. The educational services we are delivering help the Thai and UK teams reach participants who have limited or no access to arts experiences and soft-skill development. Using the STEAM approach, we generate, foster, and enhance the creative application of arts and new technologies in the widest reaching way.
Project delivery is based on our innovative ‘blended learning playground’ called DROP, which includes desk-side sessions, remote workshops, on-demand resources and professional development opportunities targeted at children from challenging backgrounds.
Throughout the Pomposa project, we closely observe how workshop participants from very different communities interact, design, and create an array of custom digital musical instruments. We witness how they absorb new soft and hard skills, and how they use them to create new music in unexpected ways. We present to you an analysis of our findings here in Bangkok, compared to our autobiographical experiences in England, to share best practices in STEAM education.
We stitched, translated, coded, learnt, composed, laughed, performed and shared.
We re-used, re-cycled, re-thought what music making is, feels, looks and sounds like.
We come before you today, to show you snippets of our experience, to pique your curiosity, spark your creativity, and share our enthusiasm.