Virtual Communication, Real Community
26 August 2020
10:30 - 12:00 hrs (GMT+7)
Anant Narkkong, Dr. Pawasut Piriyapongrat, Dr. Nipatdh Kanchanahuta and Dr. Boon Hua Lien, Curators

In a state of lockdown from COVID-19, even the world of real-life meetings of the music society was disrupted. No real concerts.No classroom.No music practice rooms. All gone silent. But, the number of virtual meetings has skyrocketed. Many virtual music seminars have now taken place, and they are growing in size and number.
At our meetings, we have witnessed interesting new types of speakers-listeners-followers; more open-minded interest in different styles of music. The atmosphere of conversation has been warm and all members have paid more attention to people’s lives beyond their music activities.
We invite representatives of different types of online music communities to join with us in this session to share their experiences and exchange ideas.